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What is a Millennial, Anyway?

Millennials were born after 1980 and are the undisputed future of our world. These "kids" can get a bad rap—see what I did there? In reality, they are tech-savvy team players who know how to express themselves in various ways. As such, they are a welcome and important addition to any office.

Entering the Group Travel Field: What to Know

Have you ever heard the saying, "The amount of money you make is directly impacted by the number of people you serve"? That definitely holds true in the travel industry and is the reason group travel continues to be one of the industry's most sought-after segments. But where does one first learn the ins-and-outs of starting a group travel business?

A Few Thoughts on Grit

Why do some people succeed and some people fail? That's certainly a question many of us have pondered. What does it take to be at the top of our game? Do successful people have common traits? Some say yes. Some say no. Dr. Angela Lee Duckworth, associate professor of psychology at the University of Pennsylvania and a 2013 MacArthur Fellow, says highly successful people do share something: GRIT!

Elevate Your Mind

Are you a mindless person or a mindful person? How does your particular state of mind affect your everyday life, your work life, your relationships? Mindless people simply go through life's paces. Alternatively, mindful individuals notice and appreciate the world around them. Those with whom we interact notice this increased level of engagement—and, in the business world, this could be the difference between landing or losing a client.

Increase Your Creativity. Lower Your Stress.

According to numerous studies, including one performed by the American Journal of Public Health, there is a clear link to the mental and physical health benefits of having a creative outlet. Even if you can't dance to a beat or color in the lines, it's important to find a creative outlet for your own sanity.

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