
Hero Story - Blog


Bag-Checking Broadway

When I was little, around 5 years old, I came up to New York City for the first time from Asheville, North Carolina, with my family. We were visiting my godfather, who worked at the Crown Plaza Hotel in Times Square. Lucky for us, the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade route passed by his job, and I was granted a special seat right by the window overlooking all the action. I still remember the feeling of my little nose pressed up against the glass when the giant Snoopy floated by, and thinking "this city is magic."

Think Your Vote Doesn’t Count?

The Department of Transportation reports that on any given day, approximately 1.95 million Americans take flight—and that doesn't include travelers hitting the roads. While some people might believe the world will stop after the results of the presidential election are in, it certainly doesn't stop for Election Day. Like any given Tuesday, travelers will travel.

The Marketing Team at Your Fingertips

In our industry, we're always "on the move"—to promote our business name and to bring awareness so we have new and returning clients in the pipelines. In this ever-changing time, it's  important to be part of the new social media trends and remain fresh. How do you do this? What do you do to keep your marketing cutting-edge?

Traveling on Election Day?

Tuesday, November 8, is Election Day. Will you be traveling? If you won't be able to make it to the polls on Election Day because of a tour or business trip, many states allow voters to vote in person before Election Day.

Six Ways to Use Your Smartphone on Tours

Believe it or not, your smartphone may be your best tool for planning, organizing and executing a fantastic group tour. From planning your itinerary to planning for the weather, here are six ways you could use your smartphone in group travel.

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