
Hero Story - Blog


All in a Day’s Work

When people learn my wife and I own an outbound tour company, the reaction is always the same: "You have such a fun job!" they say—and it's true.

Finding Meaning When the Bus Breaks Down

Groups Today asked, and here come our stories—the battle scars that we share proudly at company outings and industry events.

Eating My Way Through My First Business Trip to China

At this time in my career, I am lucky to say that I've had the opportunity to travel around the world to promote live theatre in New York. When I first started promoting Broadway to the international travel market, I was tagging along with my bosses to places such as London and Berlin. For the most part these were pretty "easy" markets to work with--there was not typically a language barrier, the people were familiar with the products, and I had seasoned professionals with decades of international travel experience to guide me.

Quality Workspace in the Workplace

You know that scene in the movie Office Space, when the characters break free from their stifling cubicles, steal the malfunctioning printer, and use baseball bats to bash it to pieces in a field? Have you ever felt like that about your workspace?

Persistence Pays Off: Turning No into Yes

I was attending a conference about four years ago and it was the last day of the conference in the middle of "after lunch" appointments. In between appointments, I was talking with a friend, discussing the conference—the highs and lows, and everything in between.

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