
Hero Story - Business


CEO of the Moment

The Awesome Responsibility is a concept I came up with a number of years ago. It describes the role an employee has when interacting with a customer. In that moment, one person in the company represents everything about the company. When people walk away from doing business with a company, they will often say things like, "I enjoy doing business with them," or, "They are so helpful."

Tax Planning for Your Travel Business

The past two years have seen constant changes to tax laws in a government effort to aid struggling businesses. While helpful, it's difficult to keep up with if you're not an expert, which means you and your business might be losing out on big benefits.

Five Ways to Make Customers Feel Special

An important goal of a good customer experience is to make the customer feel special. That special feeling can come in many different forms. I was reading an article about customer retention, and it prompted me to start a list of ways to make customers feel special, want to come back, and even want to share their experience with friends, family, and colleagues. I'll bet there's an entire book that can be devoted to this topic, but for today we'll keep it to the first few that came to mind. With that, here are five ways to make your customers feel special:

Three Powerful and Easy Ways to Gain Employee Trust

Just a few weeks ago, I wrote about how to create trust with customers. No doubt, a customer who trusts you is more likely to do business with you. And while that is obviously important, creating trust with employees may be even more so. A company that is trusted by customers is first trusted by employees.

Avoid the Crowds with These Tips and Tricks

Even before the days of the pandemic, having an individualized and custom experience is a top priority of traveling groups. Among the factors that bring that level of experience to the forefront is the elimination of big crowds. The good news? Today, groups have more options than ever before in breaking away from the masses. Keep reading to learn some of the ways how.

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