Old School Ideas Can Have a Big Impact

Many years ago, my daughter and I were in our basement, and she found an old typewriter. She looked at it with amazement and asked, "Dad, what's this?" I explained it was what we used before computers and keyboards were invented. We would type letters and thank-you notes on a piece of paper, without spell-check. She asked if she could play with it. It kept her busy for days.

Five Best Things to Say to an Angry or Upset Customer

I was recently interviewed by Mario Martinez on his Modern Selling podcast. He shared a story about how he emailed the CEO of a company, and in an incredibly short amount of time, his phone rang, and you can guess who it was ... the CEO.

Why Social Media Shouldn’t Be Your Only Connection to Clients

In early October, Facebook, Facebook Messenger, Instagram and WhatsApp all went down at once—and stayed down for quite a while. Big yikes.

For some who rely on the platforms as a way to communicate with customers, it created a disconnect and disruption to their usual operations, travel companies included.

The Future of Networking

With millions of people losing their jobs and in-person events disappearing for over a year, COVID-19 has forever changed the way we make connections.

Bringing New Employees into the Fold

In these strange and ever-changing times, many people are changing industries, in addition to welcoming less-experienced folks to their teams. With all these revolving doors, it's important to remember all the considerations that should go into bringing a new employee onboard.

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