Are Your Facebook Videos the Right Length?

Making videos for your business or organization can be a fruitful and rewarding endeavor, especially thanks to all the easy-to-access tools which can now be found right on our own smartphones. You may be making videos to provide updates to your clients, showcase your offerings, engage directly with your audience, or perhaps just for fun.

Five Lessons on How to Personalize the Customer Experience

I love to receive great examples of outstanding customer service. I'm always on the lookout for great stories, whether I personally experience them, or they are sent in by our followers. What I share with you today is a great example of personalized and proactive communication. While I provide the lessons, the example comes from one of our subscribers, Dawn Mushill, who shared a letter that BarkBox wrote to one of its customers.

Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Be on TikTok

Keeping up with social media trends can feel impossible.

What's cool? What's not? Is it a "Bones" or "No Bones" day?! If you're not sure what that means, you're not alone. However, it's in your best interest to dive in.

Stretch Your Content with These Three Tips

Creating content and sharing that content is essential in making your presence known online. It's a key part of any content strategy to regularly provide new and engaging material for your audience to consume, whether it's a blog post, video, photography or graphic.

Are You Meeting the Moment? Why a Rebrand Should Be Top of Mind.

It's not surprising to hear that for many businesses, the pandemic was a wake-up call. The way we do things has undoubtedly needed to change to grow along with the ever-changing world around us. For many, this growth has been embraced and taken the form of a full rebrand. Should you also be doing the same? We sat down with Loren Eisenlohr, Marketing Director for Serendipity Media—publisher of Groups Today—to hear why there's perhaps no better time than now to consider making a change.

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