How to Save Social Marketing Time

Is your to-do list overflowing with client meetings, research and finalizing groups?

You know you need to fit marketing into your day somewhere, but where?

Make America Take Vacation Again

National Plan for Vacation Day, a day to encourage Americans to plan their vacation days for the rest of the year at the start of the year. Launched by Project: Time Off in 2017, National Plan for Vacation Day provides an opportunity for everyone—the travel industry and its travelers—to come together and rally around the importance of planning for vacation.

The Rest of the World Changed the Way It Advertised in 2017. Did You?

In 2017, digital ad spending surpassed traditional television ad spending for the first time ever. Marketers, business owners and consumers should absolutely be ready for that gap in ad spends to continue to widen.

Five Customer Service Must-Do’s for 2018

Over the last few weeks, I've been reading about predictions and trends for 2018. It got me thinking about the actions we must take to be competitive. Regardless of your industry, everything has changed about the way we do business. There are some businesses that claim they've done things the same way for years, decades, even a century. They claim they do business just as their fathers and grandfathers did. Nothing has changed. I disagree.

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