Kris Hoff: Listen. Learn. Talk.

Kris Hoff, Director of Product, Badger Bus Tours, loves live theater, the arts, and knowing random obscure facts about cities, places, people and buildings.

‘Crushing It’ in the Air Side of Things

Roy Peterson was nominated as one of the 2018 Groups Today Top 10 Next Gens by readers for making a difference in the industry. Roy is President of Fly My Group, Inc. and Flight Sugar. Fly My Group, Inc. was the recipient of the 2018 TODAY! Award.

Meet Tourism Cares’ New CEO: Paula Vlamings

Paula Vlamings recently joined Tourism Cares as chief executive officer.

Changing Student Lives Through Travel

Steve Maehl was nominated as one of the 2018 Groups Today Top 10 Next Gens by readers for making a difference in the industry. Steve has worked in sales, operations and tour guiding, and currently serves as Vice President of Global Travel Alliance.

The Greatest Stories We’ve Got

Peter Waugh was nominated as one of the 2018 Groups Today Top 10 Next Gens by readers for making a difference in the industry. His lifelong passion for theater led him to his role as Domestic Sales Manager for Broadway Inbound, where he does all he can to make Broadway accessible and relatable to everyone.

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