There's no doubt the wellness travel market is healthy: According to the Global Wellness Institute, wellness tourism is a $563 billion industry. Wellness travel trends are constantly on the mend, however, to adapt to the changing wellness industry.
Do you find your social ads aren't gaining you the same exposure they did a couple of months ago?
If you've done your fair share of targeted posts online and have a solid grasp of your ad audiences and ad creation, and are measuring your success, it's time to break into different styles of social advertising.
Sneezing, headaches, stuffed noses, running noses ... Common colds are the worst. And truthfully, there's nothing really "common" about them. According to John Hopkins Medicine, colds are the result of more than 200 different viruses.
The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has recently updated its policies regarding transgender passengers, yet travelers continue to voice concerns—especially given a shift toward a more aggressive and uniform policy on pat-downs at airport checkpoints.
There ... and then gone.
That's the idea behind Snapchat, the image messaging and multimedia mobile app. The app's logo is a ghost—appropriately so, because the content (aka: the snap) disappears once it's viewed. Bronwyn White, strategist and co-founder of, notes there's no true engagement on Snapchat compared to other social media platforms, as there's no continuous stream of content on display, such as liking or commenting.