The start of a new season is a great reason to rethink old habits and see if they're still working for you.
Still not comfortable with the reality of millennials in the workplace? You may get your mind blown by the Generation Z cohort—your next class of interns. According to Forbes, Generation Z made up 25 percent of the U.S. population in 2015, making them a larger cohort than baby boomers or millennials.
All too often, employers are asking questions that could help retain a valued employee after the employee is already out the door.
Do your clients say, "I can't find you on Facebook" or "I didn't know you had a website"? Maybe they're not finding you at all—and you're missing out on some business.
We all know THAT Person at work—the one whose personality doesn't really click with yours. Or anyone else's, for that matter, which makes spending an entire work day, a portion of the day, or even the 20-minute morning brief with them ... difficult. Instead of suffering through another long day, here are six tips to help you survive working with THAT Person, to ensure you have a good day.