Bacteria, Parasites and Viruses ... Oh, My!

Souvenirs are great, unless you're among the 40 percent of travelers yearly who dive into a treasure trove of bacteria, parasites and viruses while traveling—and pick up an unwanted souvenir: an infectious disease.

3 Simple Tips to Sharpen Your Social Success

While most of us have started down the social marketing road, the next step is to get really good at what we do. Sharpening the saw will help us stay relevant—and get as far along the road as we can.

Are You a Phubber?

July is National Cellphone Courtesy Month.

Why not all year long? We sure need it.

The Importance of Being Mobile-Friendly

Well, you've definitely noticed people walking around, glued to their mobile devices. And they aren't just calling or texting people: They're shooting off e-mails, scrolling through social media accounts, and even doing some research on the web—maybe looking for their next travel bucket list item.


1 Easy Way to Cross Market Your Photos

Tick, tock! Saving time has become the mantra of the busiest and most successful people in tourism.

While social and traditional marketing take time and talent, let's think about ways to save time, yet create shareable content that engages your unique clients.

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