5 Social Media Trends Sweeping 2017

Social media is no longer just about building communities and interacting—it's emerged as a core business strategy and critical channel for acquiring customers. Social media trends are continuously evolving, however, and what worked last year might not work today. Are you looking to engage your audience, improve your customer service and sell your product? Consider these five trends that have been sweeping 2017.

More Than Purchasing Power

Souvenirs should look cool, reflect the culture of the destination and serve a greater purpose than that of a paperweight. It also helps when they don't cost too much. Some items, however, cost more than what's coming out of your wallet. Some souvenirs are unethical—even illegal—and can be costly to a destination's people, animals and environment.


Hold on a Second … Who's Allergic to Peanuts?

Allergies are the worst. Especially food allergies: The repercussions are far worse than the sniffles, and they make eating while traveling risky business. Naturally, most adults with food allergies know how to take care of themselves while eating away from home. Still, foods hide as ingredients in dishes, or they can unknowingly become contaminated—and it's scary when someone takes a bite of something and suddenly can't breathe. At that point, they may not be able to help themselves.

7 Tips to Prevent Losing Your Luggage

Few feelings are worse than the dread that seeps in while watching the luggage carousel go 'round and 'round as the crowd slowly dissipates—and you're still waiting for your luggage to show up. When it comes to making sure checked bags arrive safely at your destination, you are at the mercy of the airlines. Here are a few tips to give you better odds.

The Importance of Web Design

We aren't exactly teaching kids these days not to judge a company by its website. When it comes to your Web presence, you might have great content, but your design has the greatest impact on how your clients perceive your business. And it's not just about captivating your clients—it's about trust.

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