7 Ways to Create Marketing Opportunities—Not Chaos

During a crisis or time of upheaval, we have a couple distinct options: We can see the mountain of work ahead of us and quickly give up. Or, we can give ourselves a swift pep-talk, mobilize our creativity and discover the opportunities that are hiding just below the surface of the chaos.

A Realistically Optimistic 2021

As we close out the year, I thought I'd break from the traditional customer service and experience topics and get a little personal—maybe even a little motivational.

Improve Your Videos With These Three Secrets

Do you ever wish your videos looked a bit more polished? Do you wish your fans would share and comment more often on your videos? Why even bother with video now in these crazy times? Here's why:

The Story Tells the Story

What's your story? What reasons compel your customers to do business with you? What gets them excited about doing business with you?

Be a Professional

What is a professional? Is it the opposite of an amateur?

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