One Brilliant Sales Tip

I’m still on a high from what I’ve learned at the Niche Media Conference and am personally putting those lessons into practice. In addition, I’m breaking down the lessons to share with our team to improve our overall sales effectiveness and, ultimately, be better service providers to our clients. 

It's What You Do After the Show That Makes the Difference

 Most of us register for a trade show, like ABANTA, OMCA, and other state travel trade shows, to generate new business opportunities that translate into overall sales revenue. During the show, you work the floor, visit with current clientele, and meet new prospects. But what happens after the show?

Don’t ASSume

Lets face it, we all know the old cliché: “When you assume, you make an ass of you and me.” It’s natural to assume we know what our clients are looking for, but taking the time to really ask with the intent to understand is something of critical importance.

Let It Snow

(aka Dealing with What Mother Nature Brings) Right now, the Midwest is in the heart of the winter season. The Midwest in winter is able to vacillate wildly between, calm, mild, interesting, and treacherous—easily in a single day.

Be Adventurous!

If you're a group travel supplier, you should remember that you have so many niche markets to consider getting involved with. There’s military, religious, social, fraternal, multigenerational, sports, and reunions, just to name a few. It’s natural to want to try any and all of these to grow your market—but it’s important to know the viability and the true definition of the market.

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