How to Have Serendipitous Success

A question that I'm quite obsessed with asking successful entrepreneurs these days is: "Has your success been more about Serendipity or Strategy?" The responses have been fascinating. I'd estimate that 90 percent of the people I've asked have said that Serendipity was a bigger part of their initial success than Strategy.

Why Voluntourism?

Voluntourism. That is a word that we have all heard tossed around in travel circles over the past few years. I never really understood why someone would sacrifice precious vacation days and spend money to go somewhere and volunteer.

Until I did it.

How’s Your Elevator Speech?

How much time do you really spend thinking about your elevator speech? Do you have one, or more than one? How much thought have you put into it?

LOL, FCOL, TTYL*: Managing Millennials

The older I get, the more difficult it is to fill out new hire paperwork. Of course, we ask for their birthday and more often we hire people who were born after I graduated from high school. Oh, yes! That makes me feel old. Tapping into the potential they can bring to your business is invaluable, however, and we must get used to it.

Getting Organized for Show Season

St. Louis Convention & Visitors Commission's Renee Eichelberger shares her top tips for organizing all of the details related to travel show season.

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