This Is JUST a Blog

"I'm just saying ..."

The word "just" gets misused often or not well used, is a better analogy, I believe. The following uses of the word "just" are semi-useless:

Anti-Racist Travel: Questions to Ponder

As most of us are reflecting on and examining how to be effectively and unapologetically anti-racist in our daily lives, we must also examine what that means through a travel lens. And make no mistake: The work is on us.

Hotels and Accommodations: Safely Adapting in a COVID-19 World

With ongoing concerns related to COVID-19, it's undeniable travelers will be interested—now more than ever—in how hotels and accommodations are adapting their policies to keep their guests and their staff safe.

Tenacity as Viewed from My Backyard: Never Give Up

It started strangely one day this spring. I started seeing caterpillars appear on my brick sidewalk and crawling up the wall of my house as I sat on the patio and drank my morning coffee. So many things were changing in our world that sitting outside and looking up at my trees and listening to birds seemed to be the best antidote.

Travel Essentials in a COVID-19 World

Hitting the road in the time of COVID-19 can be nerve-wracking, to say the least. When it comes to groups traveling to destinations and attractions that have been given the green light to welcome guests, there are some key items to pack to ensure all your bases are covered.

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