Say "Yes" to Protecting Your Skin This Summer

Though summer is all about being outdoors, soaking up some vitamin D and enjoying the nice weather, it's important to note that skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the United States. Thankfully, there are some steps you can take to lower your risk and protect your skin all year long.

Four Ways to Diversify Your Portfolio

Much like everything else in the world around us for the last year and some months, what travelers are craving has changed and continues to evolve. In order for those in the travel and tourism industry to grow and thrive right along with their clients, it's vital to marry what worked in the past with what's anticipated to be coveted points of interest in the future.

Restorative Experiences: Prioritizing Wellness in Travel

After the year we've all had, travelers are increasingly looking for ways to plan future travel and have a trip that truly allows them to bask in whatever soothes the soul. That's where preparing for and understanding wellness travel comes in.

Post-Pandemic Baby Boomer Travel Trends

It's no secret that much has changed over the past year, leaving many in the travel industry wondering how the needs of their groups have changed. Trends for baby boomers, one of the largest travel demographics, have been switched up in a few ways—straying from their normal travel behaviors and outlooks.

5 Tips for Spring Break Air Travel

With spring break approaching, what can travelers do to be prepared for airport checkpoint screening during a pandemic? TSA has shared these five tips to help travelers through their checkpoint journey and stay healthy and stay secure when going through the security screening process.

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