An Iconic Ferris Wheel is on the Move!

In summer 2016, Chicago's Navy Pier Ferris Wheel is moving to Branson, Missouri! This landmark Ferris wheel is the newest attraction at Branson's Highway 76, at The Track Family Fun Parks. "We are excited to be the new home of this iconic Ferris wheel," said Craig Wescott, president and CEO of The Track Family Fun Parks. The move will allow a new group of students to enjoy this famous ride.


The CDC's Recommended Zika Precautions

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has upgraded its Zika virus infection travel health notice to Alert Level 2 (Practice Enhanced Precautions). This means the CDC believes there is an "increased risk in a defined setting or associated with specific risk factors; certain high-risk populations may wish to delay travel to these destinations."

NTA Joins Engage Cuba

Engage Cuba is pleased to announce that the National Tour Association (NTA) has joined its leading coalition of businesses, associations and civil society organizations working to lift the travel ban and trade embargo on Cuba. 

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