Travel Trends by Age Demographic

Knowing your demographic aids in planning your trip offerings, and in marketing. These are the recent trends associated with Student, Millennial, Generation X, and Baby Boom travelers:

A Hunger for Travel

Culinary adventures make for a great travel theme—and according to the International Culinary Tourism Association, culinary tourism is growing exponentially. Working with local destination marketing organizations and proprietors to offer your gastronomically savvy guests unique and enriching experiences provides an interesting array of itinerary options.

Offering Woman Traveler Tours

For women who want to travel but are single or have an uninterested partner, the option of traveling solo may seem like no option at all. That's where women traveler groups can meet a variety of needs, among them safety issues, logistics, and the desire for camaraderie.

5 Steps for Handling Upset Customers

Improving customer service requires the fine art of working with frustrated customers. We've all had them. We all know the principle that if you can successfully turn around an upset customer, they'll be more loyal to your company than if they never had an issue at all.

Handling Stragglers: Tips & Tricks

You'd think the excitement of travel—of an anticipated trip—would have people champing at the bit and raring to hit the road. Mostly, that's true. But what if you have a straggler or two who throws things off for fellow travelers? If this is a problem you need to tackle—or nip in the bud—consider these tips, tricks, and tactics.

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