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The Implications of Shrinking Travel and Tour Groups

"Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes." Who knew David Bowie's famous song "Changes" would apply to the group travel industry? None of us are truly immune from change. As such, we must all adapt to stay relevant and successful.

Over the past eight to 10 years, smaller groups sizes have been growing in popularity. Janet Kasic, Circle Michigan executive director, credits this change to the baby boomer generation in particular. She notes that boomers "want choices" and the marketplace should take heed.

Many traditionally "large group" destinations are rethinking their business model and creating pricing packages targeted at smaller group travelers. Those embracing this change are encouraging other local venues and hotels to do the same.

Finding locations that cater to smaller groups could require some extra legwork, but failing to do so could result in unhappy travelers, as they would be forced to absorb the same costs as a larger group. When looking for small group travel experiences, Nicole Kokx, event coordinator at 1927 W.K. Kellogg Manor House in Hickory Corners, Michigan, encourages travel planners to look into historic homes and attractions or similar places that offer more personal, hands-on activities.

Click here to read more detailed information on this topic in Groups Today magazine, and learn how you can find new niche-markets that will help your travel business thrive amidst these changing circumstances.


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