Trump's Travel Ban: Breaking Down the Facts

On January 27, 2017, President Donald Trump signed an executive order banning travel from seven predominately Muslim countries. Yet a lot of confusion surrounds the order, exactly what it means, and even what to call it.

Sites Honoring Harriet Tubman Officially a National Park

Harriet Tubman National Park officially became the 414th unit in the National Park System on January 10, 2017. Sites where Underground Railroad conductor Harriet Tubman lived and worshipped in Auburn, New York, were designated as a national park following a legislative effort beginning in 2000, with a law authorizing how best to preserve Tubman's legacy.

Alaska Airlines Announces a New Nonstop Flight from Milwaukee

The Midwest and Pacific Northwest have yet another connection. Earlier this month, Alaska Airlines announced a new nonstop flight from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, to Portland, Oregon, adding to its Milwaukee-Seattle service that began in 2015.

Help Wanted: Royal Caribbean Seeking Lifeguards

Gigantic cruise ships often resemble water amusement parks with their multitude of swimming pools, water slides and hot tubs. And yet, with the exception of Disney Cruise Lines, most cruise lines don't employ lifeguards on their ships. That course might be changing. In December 2016, Royal Caribbean Cruises posted a job description for lifeguards to open, close, monitor and operate their ships' aquatic recreational spaces.

How to Build a Church

Inspired Voyager is proud to announce its unique Build-a-Church program, with dual benefits: Not only does the traveler get to study the Bible while exploring unique destinations by visiting the Holy Land or following in the steps of the Apostle Paul, but the tourist could raise up to $100,000 for his or her church.

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