Let Me Double-Check That for You
One thing we all know is no one likes to be rejected. You don't—I don't—the folks next door don't. And certainly, our customers don't.
Yet often we're not able to satisfy folks—or even ourselves. Today's blog covers how not to reject folks immediately. We call it "Reject Gently."
And it works.
When something isn't available, or not ready, or you don't have it—whatever it is—the words, "Let me double-check that for you" will save the day. Every time!
Rather than blurting out a negative, start with a positive. Start with, "Let me double-check that for you."
Sometimes we need to double-check ourselves. Either way, it's a good habit to get into.
Reprinted with permission of Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training. Nancy Friedman, customer service keynote speaker, is president of Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training and a subject matter expert on customer service at franchise, association and corporate meetings. Nancy is the author of nine books on sales and customer service and is the spokesperson in the popular Telephone Doctor customer service training programs. For a demo packet of Nancy speaking, call 314.291.1012 or visit www.nancyfriedman.com.