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Advanced Tips for Targeting Your Perfect Social Ad Audience

What did the target audience of your last social ad look like? A lot of marketers define their audience based on broad characteristics such as age or gender. Those things are certainly important, yet they're only the tip of the iceberg.

If you want to skyrocket the success of your next ad, consider narrowing your target audience even further by using the unique parameters below. Yes, all of this and more are available on the Facebook ads platform.

There are so many finer points to consider when setting up an audience. Consider answering these targeting questions about your "perfect client" when defining your next audience avatar.

  • What does this person love to do in their spare time?
  • What publications do they read?
  • What sports do they watch?
  • What sports do they participate in?
  • Which types of art do they enjoy?
  • What types of food do they enjoy?
  • What was their college major? (Helpful if you're targeting band or choir directors.)
  • What is their current job title? (Helpful when targeting arts teachers.)
  • What companies or causes do they support?
  • What types of cuisine do they love? (This could be relevant to the destination you're marketing.)
  • Have they recently retired? Become empty-nesters? Are they grandparents?
  • What type(s) of music do they enjoy? Opera? Classical?
  • What other vacation styles may appeal to them? (Think about converting them to your own style of group travel.)

Each of these targeting options can help you define the perfect person (avatar) who would love your next tour, style of travel or destination.

Still not sure if your ad will resonate with your audience? Now you can upload multiple assets and Facebook will mix and match them to find the option that works best for your audience. It's a bit of advertising magic! Check out some dynamic ad set creation and setup tips.

While we want to escape the overload and overwhelm of our modern society, we all still value learning and seeing relevant content that's customized to our interests. Plus, we want to save time doing it.

Help your fans and followers escape the chaos by creating content that's targeted to them. They'll thank you by engaging with your great content ... And ultimately—we hope—trusting you with their next group trip!

CatherineHeeg-HeadshotUpdateWritten by Catherine Heeg, an international speaker and trainer who focuses on social media marketing strategies for the tourism and hospitality industry. Join the conversation and connect with her at and socially.




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