What Influences Travelers?

Getting inside the mind of the traveler can be tricky: How do they choose their destinations? What types of things do they consider? How does social media play a part?

Travel Industry Updates You Need to Know

Now that we've entered the new year, it's an ideal time to reflect on the impact the travel and tourism industry has had this past year—and where that takes us moving into 2019. We've gathered some statistics and facts you won't want to miss out on.

Industry Associations Collaborate to Advance Mutual Interests

On December 7, 2018, leaders of the motorcoach, tour and travel industry came together to discuss issues affecting all aspects of the industry and their respective members.

Statement from National Park Service Deputy Director Regarding Governmental Shutdown

In light of the current governmental shutdown, Groups Today shares with you a statement from P. Daniel Smith, Deputy Director, National Park Service, on protecting our National Parks during this trying time.

How Are You Getting There? 2019 Travel Trends

Just as fashion trends change with the season and the years, so do travel trends.

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