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National Park Service Hosting Webinars Reviewing Updated Commercial Use Authorization Policy

National Park Service Hosting Webinars Reviewing Updated Commercial Use Authorization Policy

In preparation for updated Commercial Use Authorization (CUA) restrictions and fees for road-based commercial tour operators, effective starting October 1, 2019, the National Park Service (NPS) will host two webinars to ensure operators know this vital information.

The webinar hosts will review CUA application processes, CUA and entrance fee requirements, reporting requirements, and additional relevant topics.

A CUA allows an individual, group, company, or other for-profit entity to conduct commercial activities and provide specific visitor services within a national park unit. The NPS issues CUAs to manage a wide range of commercial visitor services, in addition to road-based commercial tours. Depending on the park, this could include guided mountaineering and backpacking, bike tours, kayak trips, photography workshops, scuba diving classes, fishing trips, and more.

Webinar dates include April 24 and May 6, with times to be announced. Webinar details, updates and access links will be posted to the NPS Commercial Use Authorizations website.

Want an answer to a specific question? The NPS Commercial Services Program will provide a CUA program email address on the website, to serve as a central point of contact. NPS will welcome the submission of questions, which they'll then seek to address on the webinars, via that email account.

You may not conduct commercial activities in a park unit without a valid CUA. Tune in to hear the latest information!

Courtesy of Groups Today.

Photo courtesy of NPS/Andrew Kuhn.

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