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Attract NEW Fans by Cross-Promoting

Psst! Want new social fans that LOVE you? Cross-promoting is a powerful way to draw your fans from one of your social sites to another.

Picture this: You probably have Facebook fans who are also active on several other sites—and would love to connect with you. Yet they may not know you're active on any other sites. Tapping into this art of cross-promoting will help you build stronger relationships across a variety of social networks.

Consider these strategies:

1. Add your latest blog to your social postings. Think Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook, Google+.

2. Create video. Do you have some new photos you've just uploaded to a Facebook photo album? Take those same photos and create a short video. Then, in the video description box, invite people to see more of your photos on Facebook and provide them a link to the Facebook photo album. Here are some tools to help you create videos from your still images.

3. Maximize your Facebook posting options. Consider carousel posts, slide shows and Canvas.

You'll reap the rewards of brand advocates who will help you market each time they like, comment or share your great content.

Which tip will you start with?

Catherine-HeegWritten by Catherine Heeg, an international speaker and trainer who focuses on social media marketing strategies for the tourism and hospitality industry. Join the conversation and connect with her at and socially.




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