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What Impact Is the COVID-19 Vaccine Having on Travel?

At least 67% of people in the U.S. have now been fully vaccinated against COVID-19, spurring heightened levels of excitement and planning for the many trips we've all had to put on the backburner over the last year and half.

A recent Tripadvisor study examined the relationship between those who have gotten the COVID-19 vaccine and an uptick in leisure travel recovery. Are they related? Evidence suggests so. The study found there was a close correlation between total vaccines administered and domestic hotel searches by users on Tripadvisor in the U.S. and U.K. Similarly, it found at in countries where the vaccine rollout has been slower, searches were also lower.

So, what impact has the vaccine had on those who have started booking trips? When it comes to those vaccinated respondents who've already booked a domestic trip, the report found that 80% agreed that the vaccine had been a factor in their decision to act and put something on their books. When it comes to booking internationally, an even larger percentage (91%) of vaccinated people said the vaccine was a factor in their decision.

Though the study does expect this trend to continue, it's careful to note that there are still several uncertainties, such as vaccine efficacy against new strains of the virus and whether national governments can maintain their vaccination pace. It does confirm, however, that vaccinations are having a positive impact on consumers' attitude and confidence to travel.

In comparison to pre-pandemic levels, 45% of travelers specifically within the U.S. say they're more determined than ever to travel this year—a promising sign for those professionals in the travel industry who are looking for sure signs of recovery.

Ultimately, the study's findings are unmistakable, stating that:

"The message is clear: the more people get vaccinated, the more tourism and hospitality businesses can expect to see a growth in bookings, especially among domestic guests. The pent-up demand for leisure travel is there—and vaccination rollouts hold the key to unlocking it."

View more about the study by clicking here.

Written by Sarah Suydam, Managing Editor for Groups Today.


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