Now that the Rio Olympics are over, the city hopes to reap the benefits of the games well into the future. The city has plans to repurpose its Olympic venues into schools, high school dorms, community swimming centers, public parks and land for private development.
Fall evokes feelings of warm days and crisp, cool nights—and the mountains of western Maryland embody these feelings with incredible fall foliage and exciting celebrations.
The Carolina Opry Christmas Special presents its 31st season of awe-inspiring holiday performances in Myrtle Beach, with new acts and time-honored traditions. Owner, producer and entertainer Calvin Gilmore works for months each year to create an unforgettable holiday experience, and this year is no different.
Bacon, marshmallow fluff and...scrapple? There are no boundaries when it comes to celebrating food. Last month, National Geographic published an article on "The Best Food Festival in Every U.S. State," and we can't believe some of the bizarre festivals highlighting regional favorites. Whether your clients are looking for a taste of garlic ice cream, or looking to play tug-of-war over a pit of mashed potatoes, the United States boasts a number of quirky food festivals from sea to shining sea.
Each year since 1938, thousands of riders from all over the world have made the pilgrimage to Sturgis, South Dakota. With only one exception—1942, when gas rationing caused by World War II forced the Rally to be canceled—riders spend the first week of August enjoying the scenic views and destinations South Dakota has to offer: Mount Rushmore, the Badlands, the Crazy Horse Memorial and Spearfish Canyon.