
Excel! (Or, What Word Guides Your Business?)

Excel! 'Tis the season to be working on New Year's resolutions, right? Most people find it easy to set a New Year's resolution—yet the tough part is following through with what you pick. It's easy to set the bar high, but what if you only had one resolution to hit? Would it be easier to achieve?

Several years ago, a co-worker sent me an e-mail from with a link to an article written by Mari Smith, Facebook guru and author of The New Relationship Marketing. In her blog post, Smith talked about selecting ONE word as a theme for the year. For her, words such as Focus, Team, Commitment and Growth have guided her actions throughout the past several years.

It's easy to look back and select a word that defines what the previous year looked like—but what if you take a proactive approach and select a word ahead of time? What would your year look like then?

A few years ago, our team gathered to select a word that would help guide the company direction in the coming year. Our words over the years have been Change, Deliver, Forward and Elevate. Where do we go from here? After much deliberation over finding the right word—yes, we wordsmith this to a fault, but I feel our word is just the right one—we arrived at Excel!

We've laid a solid foundation for our changing world. Now, it's our goal to excel in content, client expectation, sales and overall growth.

What's one word you would choose to guide your business? I look forward to hearing from you!

And if you're interested, check out the Mari Smith article I referred to above.

Written by Kasie Smith, president and publisher of Serendipity Media. Her team often feels "Excel" could be her mantra, as well.


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