
Hero Story - Profiles


Attention to Detail on a Global Scale

Carey Kaspari began her career planning group travel for leading international travel companies, so it's really no surprise that she co-founded Global Tracks. Carey received business degrees in international studies and marketing, has traveled to more than ninety countries, and has a love of travel that continually grows as she strives to serve her staff and clients.

Global Tracks, Inc. is the parent company of three divisions: Global Tracks, the Professional Education Society, and Sunrise Travel. As the company has a focus on group travel, Carey's team works to evaluate each hotel, venue, or destination based on a group's expectations. "My tip would be to find an area you are passionate about and become an expert within it," she said.

And experts they are. Whether its through utilizing technology and social media or coming up with innovative ideas and sharing their passion for the industry with their clients, Carey and her team are making waves throughout the changing group market, preparing themselves for what's next.

"I am extremely fortunate to have a diverse and talented group of employees who are often themselves the forefront of innovation," Carey said. "The level of passion they have for the travel and educational industry is truly what makes us a successful organization."

Carey’s team has a lot of passion, and she carries plenty of her own. Her parents were in the education profession at the university level, and while growing up, Carey had a focus on higher education coupled with travel. She journeyed all over Europe with her parents—after kindergarten, during high school, following college, and continually thereafter. "I had a little backpack with patches from each country sewn on,” she said, “and this little piece became part of me.”

Now, as the owner of three multimillion-dollar companies, Carey gets to share her passion with those she serves. "The education and culture, and passing the experience on to our clients is simply amazing," she said. 

"I love planning trips!"

Carey Kaspari was nominated as one of the Top Ten Next Gens in the January 2014 issue of Groups Today magazine. Click here to learn more about the Top Ten, and stay tuned to our website for more in-depth profiles on these innovative people in the group travel industry.

Know a group travel professional making an impact on the industry with a fresh, progressive perspective? Nominate him or her for 2017's Top 10 Next Gen here

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