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Combine and Conquer: How to Multiply Your Marketing Success

Combine and Conquer: How to Multiply Your Marketing Success

Do you find your groups aren't filling as quickly as they used to? Are you interested in adding younger clientele to your groups?

What if you could shake up your battle-worn sales and marketing strategies to help add extra social pizzazz to your plans?

Trying new tactics can be tricky at first. Let's explore some ways to gradually add social into your traditional marketing toolbox.

Marketing Your Group Tour
Traditionally, we have a plethora of possible marketing tools—brochures, flyers, consumer travel shows, in-house marketing events, in-person sales calls and email marketing. These tried and true marketing initiatives can be reinvented with the addition of social marketing options.

Let's get social!

  • Add video: Brochures and flyers are the mainstays of marketing. Whether you produce a print or online brochure, adding videos will create more interest and inspiration. In your print brochure, include a link to a related tour or destination. In your online brochure, embed video so that it plays directly.
  • Video slideshows: We all participate in consumer travel shows in our communities. Wow consumers with a video slideshow highlighting your upcoming tour. Create your video slideshow and then play it on loop on your laptop at your booth. Post this slideshow socially as part of your pre-show marketing and advertising.
  • Broadcast live: At an in-house marketing event or consumer night, the normal routine is to chat about the group tour and show a short video. How about getting social and broadcasting live from your event, so out-of-town prospects can join in and learn more about your group tour? Set up a sign-up process that enables people to sign up in advance for the live broadcast by providing their contact information in exchange for a downloadable free lead magnet.
  • Video presentation: Making in-person sales calls to pied pipers and potential group leaders becomes even more powerful with a video presentation to support your tour. After the meeting, send a video thank-you email using Loom.
  • Enhance email with video: Email marketing is key to staying top of mind and tip of tongue with potential clients. Enhance your e-mail with video created with Zoom or Loom. While many e-blast platforms don't support video, simply create a video thumbnail, add the player arrow to it, then hyperlink the thumbnail graphic to your video channel.
  • Social ads: Expand your marketing efforts with social ads that reach the right people. Tune in and max-out your ad opportunities with your pixel.

Embedding a social aspect into your traditional marketing strategies will really give your group tour bookings a boost. The social pizzazz that comes hand in hand with adding visuals will help you attract even more clients to your tours!

How will you add social into your marketing strategy?

CatherineHeeg-HeadshotUpdate 7Written by Catherine Heeg, an international speaker and trainer who focuses on social media marketing strategies for the tourism and hospitality industry. Join the conversation and connect with her at and socially.




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