Experience National Parks Free in 2020

Did you know? There's at least one national park site in every state in the United States!

Virtual Reality App Offers New Look at Destinations

Virtual reality, also known as VR, is changing the way travel is viewed and marketed, offering viewers an unprecedented look at destinations. One company in the industry has certainly taken notice.

Tourism Australia Shares Statement on Bushfires

Tourism Australia has put out a statement regarding the bushfires, along with a list of links for more information.

Hemisphere Educational Travel Celebrates 50 Years

Hemisphere Educational Travel, a nationally recognized family-owned and operated educational travel company, is celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2020.

These Airports Have the Best and Worst TSA Security Wait Times

While giving yourself enough time at the airport is always a smart choice, it can be difficult to predict exactly how much time groups do—or don't—need.

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