Tell Us What You Really Think
No, really ... we want to know what you think, so we can continue to provide content that is timely and relevant to you and your day-to-day. As the resource for everything group travel, we work to keep our finger on the pulse of the industry, and who better to get the real scoop from than you, our readers? Give us your thoughts, your opinions, the ins and the outs. All insight is good insight. To make it topically driven and as easy on you as possible, we’ll post a series of new questions each month. Feel free to answer one, some or all four. For each answer you provide, you’ll be entered to win a $25 Amazon gift card! Answer all 4 questions, and your name will be entered 4 times into a random drawing. Winners will be drawn on the last Friday of each month and contacted directly. Thank you for being a part of the Groups Today community. We look forward to hearing from you!