
Hero Story - Destinations


Where Is Bigfoot?

Have your groups ever wondered where Bigfoot lived? (Have you?) The Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization (BFRO) is on his trail. BFRO's team of volunteer Bigfoot researchers, archivists and investigators offer a comprehensive database of credible sightings and other relatable reports in the United States in Canada.

Will your group run into Bigfoot on its tour? Chances are higher if you're traveling through one of these five U.S. states.**

  1. Washington

    Washington has a landslide 635 listings of reported Bigfoot sightings and relatable hearsays on the BFRO database—mostly in Snohomish County and Skamania County.

  2. California

    Bigfoot probably isn't rocking swim trunks and a tan. Most of the 434 bigfoot reports aren't in SoCal, but Northern California. Bigfoot must love mountains, redwoods and sequoias.

  3. Florida

    Or maybe Bigfoot has his eye on theme parks. Florida has a surprising 310 listings of people claiming they saw him, heard him or found signs of his presence. Most recently, a family saw something standing in a field in the Chassahowitzka Wildlife Area.

  4. Illinois

    Illinois ranks fourth with a total of 287 reports. There are a few more sightings near Chicago than you may expect. Maybe Bigfoot is an urban myth—literally.

  5. Ohio

    Bigfoot's footprints are all over Ohio, with a total of 270 reports. Mostly in the areas surrounding Akron and Columbus.


Who knows? Maybe Bigfoot likes travel, too.


**Information based on data available as of January 2018.

Written by Cassie Westrate, staff writer for Groups Today.

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