
Hero Story - Destinations


One Packed Colorado Springs Itinerary

Breeze through Colorado Springs and the surrounding areas where your groups will take in the arts, history, military, and culture of the region's past, present, and future.

Start with a tour of Van Briggle Art Pottery studio, and a stop at its gift shop. Next door, you’ll find the Pikes Peak Ghost Town. Drop in and view the old west as it once was–under one roof, you’ll find restored buildings from “the olden days.” A short drive west into the heart of Manitou Springs will take you to Miramont Castle, a museum dedicated to preserving the Victorian heritage of the Pikes Peak region.

Now it’s on to the Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center where you’ll experience the rich cultures of the Southwest in an award-winning, art-deco-style pueblo. Enjoy lunch at the Fine Arts Center, or at one of the many restaurants in town. After you eat, take a tour of the nation’s largest Olympic Training Center, home of the U.S. Olympic Committee. You will need at least two hours to fully enjoy a tour of the new Visitor Center.

Drive to the United States Air Force Academy where you will enjoy an informative exhibit about cadet life in the spacious visitor center. Then, take a short walk along a nature trail that leads to the famous Cadet Chapel. You can end you visit with a self-guided driving tours of the Academy, which includes a large wildlife sanctuary.

Visit the nearby Western Museum of Mining and Industry, where you’ll explore Colorado’s rich and colorful mining past and future. You’ll even see the actual operation of reconstructed multi-ton steam engines, drills and locomotives. Proceed to historic Old Colorado City for a unique shopping experience. Relax with an evening of elegant dining at the Historic Briarhurst Manor, The Craftwood Inn or The Stagecoach Inn–all three are located in Manitou Springs.

Read our digital edition for a more in-depth look at the famous Royal Gorge Bridge and Park, reopening this summer!


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